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Sobre o DWSIM, um software open source de simulação de processos

DWSIM é um software open-source (grátis) vocacionada para alunos e profissionais de engenharia química, que permite estudar o comportamento de sistema químicos através de modelos termodinâmicos e de operações unitárias. Enquanto programa apresenta uma interface gráfica amiga do utilizador e similar à de simuladores comerciais.


  • CAPE-OPEN features: Thermo 1.0/1.1 Property Package Socket, Thermo 1.1 Property Package Server, Unit Operation Socket and Flowsheet Monitoring Object support. Additionally, DWSIM exposes its IronPython/IronRuby Script (Custom) Unit Operation for all CAPE-OPEN compliant simulators.
  • Thermodynamic models: PC-SAFT, FPROPS, CoolProp, Peng-Robinson, Soave-Redlich-Kwong, Lee-Kesler, Lee-Kesler-Plöcker, UNIFAC, Modified UNIFAC (Dortmund), UNIQUAC, NRTL, COSMO-SAC, LIQUAC*, Extended UNIQUAC, Chao-Seader, Grayson-Streed, Raoult's Law, IAPWS-IF97 Steam Tables, IAPWS-08 Seawater and Black-Oil;
  • Unit Operations: Mixer, Splitter, Separator, Pump, Compressor, Expander, Heater, Cooler, Valve, Pipe Segment, Shortcut Column, Heat Exchanger, Reactors, Component Separator, Orifice Plate, Distillation/Absorption Columns, Solids Separator, Cake Filter, Excel, Script and Flowsheet Unit Operation;
  • Utilities: Phase Envelope, Hydrate Calculations, Pure Component Properties, Critical Point, PSV Sizing, Vessel Sizing, Spreadsheet and Petroleum Cold Flow Properties;
  • Tools: Binary Data Regression, Compound Creator, Bulk C7+ and Distillation Curves Petroleum Characterization and Reactions Manager;
  • Process Analysis: Multivariate Constrained Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis utility;
  • Extras: Scripting System and Plugins Interface.

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